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Sacred Space Auric Spray


Infused with the intention of:


Today I will see myself as sacred and I only allow into my energetic and physical space loving and harmonious energy where I can. I am moving freely into a higher frequency and state of consciousness. I am open to new horizons and possibilities.’


The key aspects of this essences are 'Grounding into Gaia for support in coming back to coherence.' When we are in this state of coherence our field is strong and less likely to be compromised. Your best protection is the power that is self-generated from this place of balance. Coherence is when there is system wide effective communication and harmony, all parts are firing together- there is  intergration. 


I allow the harmonics of the aura mists to choose themselves without my conscious involvement. I do this by using kinesiology and dowsing. As I watched the crystals and other frequencies coming together I could see a theme unfolding, one that I did not expect. Humanity seems to be going through an era of going into the unknown. Many of us are becoming new people forged under the pressure of very challenging times. The energies contained in this mist give us the courage to go into the unknown, into these new frontiers of consciousness. New identities formed by new, divinely aligned habits and awareness. But old identities do not give way to updated ones so easily. There will be resistance in the form of fear. All kinds of resistance can arise in all kinds of ways!

There will be initiations before we can step into and integrate this new lighter, more evolved being. The crystal spirits have come forward in support of this divine potential that you carry and will help hold space for you as you overcome the forces that wish to keep you in dissonance and stagnancy. These forces are both within and without. Protection as you move forward towards your divine potential.




Highly structured ionized 9ph water


Energies of:


Dream Spell, crystal Skull- Supporting new aligned neuropathways and integrating upgrades.

Red Jasper Wishing Stone- Red jasper is very protective as well as rings so this is a very helpful vibration in this essence.

Smokey with Gold rutile- Very effective as etheric cleanser.

Thunderegg from Mt Tamborine- Powerful healing mountain. Very effective stone for going within and shielding from dissonant or harmful electromagnetic fields weather they are generated from humans or technology.

Australian Garnet- Strengthening

Carnelian scarab- Heart protection

Black tourmaline- Grounding and protection.

Hematite covered petrified wood- Clearing ancestral patterns of fear. Increasing energetic stability.

Red and brown chalcedony for added support with centeredness and protection.

Milky Quartz- Alignment and healing the divine feminine (intuition, feeling, emotional body).

Australian amethyst- supports us to be energetically and psychically discerning.

This essence also carries the frequency of animals and stars to support the above intentions.


Essential oils:

Elemi- As above so below. A helpful guide into new realities.

White Angelica- High Vibrational protective oil.

Ylang Ylang- Heart healing. Inner Child support.


Additional sigils are hand painted on all Celestial Keys bottles and candle vessels to amplify the intention.



Sacred Space Auric Spray

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