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Light keys are wonderful to use in meditation and healing or dowsing.


Tune into your intuition when working with Light Keys, use them as a pendulum for divination or allow the Light Key to be drawn to locations over the body in need of energetic support. Allow the Light key to spiral over these locations or just hold over your left hand allowing it to spiral.


Always cross reference pendulum feedback with your inner knowing.


Make sure you are working in a safe space, held in divine love and protection. Use all divination and healing devices/ methods in alignment with Divine Will. Pendulums are not to be used as a substitute for professional medical advice. Allow the magick of crystals, pyramids and magnetics support you as you focus your intention and return to your true light and frequency.



H E M A T I T E:

We hand collect Hematite on South East Queensland Beaches. This stone is wonderful for restoring flow to the bio electromagnetic field. It also draws in Harmonising or Implicate energy from the universe around us to be used for restoring order to our light body. It also draws out what doesn't belong helping to restoring energeic flow to our auric field. That's why there are two in each Light Key.


G O L D E N C H A L C E D O N Y:

An uplifting, balancing and protective stone.


The Golden Ray is the 12th Ray of Creation, said to be the highest frequency of Divine Light currently available to the Earth plane. It is also said to help connect us to Source to be channels of that pure energy onto Gaia for the collective. I feel that divine Golden Ray in these crystals, especially because when I find them, they are always seeking the sun! Some of the most spiritual experiences I have had has been while I was looking for and finding these crystals. They are so special, and I feel it was perhaps a little bit destined that I start finding them. Especially when the first one that I found was in my front yard! Golden Chalcedony rarely hides in the shadows. They wait on the surface in the light, like little beacons waiting to be found, ready to be put into service. This stone carries the energy of warmth and light.


A M E T H Y S T:

The amethyst will help protect the Light Key from negative psychic interference as well as support your intuition to improve energy readings.



C L E A R Q U A R T Z:

Clear quartz amplifies and directs intentional energy as well as aligning that intention with cosmic harmony (Divine Will). Focuses light and intention for the purpose of healing and regeneration.


L A R I M A R:

A larimar bead is used at the holding point of the pendulum. As a water and fire stone this makes it excellent for balancing a polarised state of being. A wonderful calming and soothing stone.

Large Light Key

  • Please be aware that this is a handmade product that takes hours to assemble, there may be imperfections. 

  • 10cm from tip of pyramid to bottom of quartz point.

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